Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Potty Training Diaries

I began "Potty Training: Day One" with Taylor again today.

I attempted this awful process months ago in May.  It was in a word, a DREADFUL experience.

I almost chickened-out on making today's attempt so many times.

But here I am.  And here he is, my potty training pirate...Mr. 7 out of 8 successful pees and 0 out of 2 successful poops.  Not perfect, but it's something, and like I said, it's his first day.  Last time his desire for potty successes was NILL.

I'm crossing my fingers for tomorrow.


Michael said...

With megan we did the straight to underwear method. We stopped buying diapers and when they were gone they were gone and i wasn't going to buy any more for her. You just got to suffer through it. There really isn't any way around it. Lots of luck to you.

Stacie said...

Seriously, I wanted to give up that first day. We had to do laundry twice that day; she went through 20 pairs of panties twice! It sounds like he's off to a good start, though. Never give up! Never surrender!

Mindi said...

Good luck Tiff!