Friday, September 23, 2011

Potty Training Diaries: Day Three

Well, Taylor woke up with wet "Pull Up underwear" (as we call it) and had an accident after lunch time.  

That's the bad news.
Now for the good: 

Taylor POOPED in the potty today! (is it too alarming to put the word "pooped" in bold and all caps on my public blog?)

He performed for his dad, after holding it all day I am convinced.  Time, and using Andrew's new iPhone game, "Temple Run" as a distractor did the trick.  When he was done, Andrew asked him if it was a scary experience.  His response: "NO.  It was COOL!"
Temple Run

I think Taylor felt a hardy dose enthusiasm from his parents, as we were constantly hugging and praising him, rewarding him, and asking him questions like "What did you do today?" and "Are you a big boy?"
Taylor showing off his double dose of Spiderman fruit snacks, just before for having a special movie night with Mom and Dad.

Please don't mind the potty talk here...ADrew and I feel like shouting this exciting news to the rooftops!  We are super thrilled.  Getting our little guy to this point was no easy feat!


J Rock said...

Make sure you show Taylor this blog entry when he's 13 years old. It will make his day.

Congratulations to Taylor!

Carrie & the Boys said...

Keep going, Tiff. It will get better. Eric still sometimes wakes up with a wed diaper. That's right, I still do a diaper at night. Sometimes in the mornings I'm not fast enough taking him potty. Sometimes he does it on his own. I can handle one wet diaper a day compared with all day. You are doing awesome. Keep it up!