Sunday, March 20, 2011

Going Green

Having a 2 year-old sure makes celebrating holidays more fun...the kid in me and the elementary teacher in me both come out in a big way when given the chance!

We celebrated St. Patty's this year with GREEN breakfast.


Yes, that's GREEN french toast.


And no, that's not Kool-Aid, that's GREEN apple juice, coming through a GREEN striped straw.

And my GREEN little boys enjoyed it all to the fullest. I loved doing that for them. :)

We also chose to continue a tradition that began back in Spring 2008, when I was teaching 2nd grade in Rexburg:


Setting leprechaun traps. In Rexburg, my smart students used all of their growing brains to create the most elaborate, sure-to-catch-a-leprechaun traps I've ever seen.

"Food Inside." I love it.

Despite their efforts, the clever little St. Patrick's Day leprechauns could not be outsmarted that year. They did leave their marks, though...we saw green footprints leading from my students' traps toward the classroom window (where the leprechauns must've made their escape), a note from the leprechauns written in green on the chalkboard, and little bits of leprechaun gold on every student's desk.



Even though the leprechauns weren't caught that day, my second graders LOVED that they tried.

This year, Andrew spent quality "Daddy/Taylor" time in "The Boys' Room" (aka, Andrew's workbench in the garage) to help Taylor make his own leprechaun trap.


What may look like an old diaper box to you, is actually a very sophisticated trap for leprechauns, complete with packaging tape window on the reverse side. In Taylor's words, it's made to "look like a tunnel." (Tunnels are pretty cool these days). He figured that the sure-fire way to catch a leprechaun would be to create a cool tunnel--cool enough that a passing leprechaun would get so excited just at the sight of it that he wouldn't be able to resist to playing in there. He'd then run into the tunnel and never see what was coming to him!

Clever idea. But, again, even my bright little boy could not outsmart those little leprechauns! Taylor unfortunately did not catch one, but he was happy that he did discover two small pots of gold outside his trap the next morning--one left for him, and one for his little brother, Russell, we guessed.


Since then, it has been mandatory that a little pot of gold go with us every time we leave the house. :)

I love being a mom.


J Rock said...

My 6 year old niece made a leprechaun trap this year, too. It LOOKED like she had cut out paper into the shape of leprechaun body parts and then glued them all around the outside of the trap. There was a shoe, a hat, an arm...

Kim & Pam said...

How can yall be so darling. I just love reading your updates. So sweet!!!