Thursday, August 25, 2011


If you searched the world over for true, loyal friends, you most definitely would find this lady among them. Her name is Jenny, and she and I have been buddies since we met at Grandview South Stake girls' camp (Provo, UT) when we were twelve.


We have shared many adventures and made many sweet memories together...

(Oh how I love these ladies)

And now our lives keep us both so busy and, unfortunately, spending quality time with each other is an infrequent luxury. But such a luxury happened this year in July-- when Jenny flew to Denver for a few days while enroute to and from her study abroad in Costa Rica! I don't have a lot of friends who have gone out of their way to visit me like that...she's a treasure.

While she was here, we stayed up late talking, spontaneously made and ate two kinds of sweet potato pie (what ever were we thinking?!), and she made my typically mundane daily tasks far more enjoyable.

To appease the very real nerdiness in her, we also went to the Nature and Science Museum together to view its latest exhibit, "Real Pirates..."

..which makes me chuckle every time I think about it. :) Ahh, having Jenny fun is unlike any other kind of fun. I am SO GLAD that she made the sacrifice to visit me. I love this gal!


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