Sunday, November 06, 2011


Lately when I get on Facebook, I've noticed a handful of my friends have chosen to celebrate this year's Thanksgiving by updating their statuses with expressions of graditude.  

What a great idea.  I'm sure this year's holiday will have deeper meaning for them because of it.

I'm five days behind, but I'd like to follow their example and take a little time to express thanksgiving for blessings in my life each day this November.  Lofty goal for me, posting each day...

First up.  I could easily express my graditude for this every day:

My husband Andrew.

Isn't he so manly and handsome?

I am SO thankful for him.  I have said that before, and I mean it--completely--each time I do.

Yesterday when on the verge of total malfunction from dealing with an incredibly stubborn, disobedient Taylor, I called Andrew and told him that I may have to kill myself or our 3 year-old before I went completely insane.

I knew that Andrew was listening when I said that, but I had no idea how much. 

When he came home from a long day at work, rather than taking much-needed time for himself, he instead made my dreams come true:  First, he played with our kids and let me have some "me" time.  He also fed our [cranky] kids, tidied house, then while I put our boys to bed, Hubby dressed-up super hunk-a-liciously and staged our family room for the perfect date night:

Then he drove return home shortly after with a Redbox movie and this:

Mr. Sushi?? 

Ooohhh, Heaven.

Friday night was one of the best date nights we've had in a long time.  It felt so nice to talk with my best our warm, quiet, candle-lit home, over a delicious felt so nice to be cuddled-up to a movie and think about nothing but Andrew (and "Thor") for a while.  By the end of the night, I felt completely recharged.

I am madly in-love with that man!

He has a magic about him that uplifts and calms me, calms our children, and brings back a feeling of simplicity to life.  He is my miracle.

Sometimes I have to pinch myself that he married me.

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