Sunday, November 06, 2011


Today was fast Sunday.  

In my church, this is a time when our members give-up at least two of the day's meals to fast for a personal purpose and and to donate the equivalent cost of those sacrificed meals to the Church to assist those in need. Our Sacrament Meeting worship on that day is called fast and testimony meeting--a time given to those in attendance for the expression of their testimonies.

It's my favorite Sunday of the month.  

Today's fast and testimony meeting was especially great.  I identified with so many members' testimonies--one which came from a missionary from Idaho who is currently serving in our ward.  I was so impressed with his spiritual strength and sacrifice, his obvious love of the work, and his positive attitude.  

Cousin Chase Harrison & Kyle

Elder Weeks's example today made me think of my brother Kyle who is currently serving a mission for our church in Brazil.  It made me think of my husband who served a mission before we were married.  It made me think of my brother Larz, Andrew's siblings, and countless others close to me who have given two years of their lives to serve the Lord.
I am thankful for missionaries.

Larz as a missionary in Denmark; Kyle, who's currently in Sao Paulo, Brazil; and Andrew, who served here in Denver.

These guys sacrifice so much to serve: their education, career, finances, close contact with friends and family, etc.  They leave home to serve for two years and they don't go home on the weekends.  They are given the opportunity write letters to loved ones once each week and to call home twice a year--on Mother's Day and Christmas.  It's a hard work that they do.  (Every returned missionary I've ever met has told me that it's worth it.)

Later today as I made final preparations to mail a Christmas package to Kyle, I found such joy in sending just a little to my brother who is giving so much more.  

These missionaries are my heroes.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Which Mission did Andrew serve in? Denver North or South?