Monday, November 07, 2011


Have I mentioned that I'm going to run my first half marathon on Saturday?

On trails. Through scrub oak, viewing panoramic scenes of downtown Denver and DTC, hopefully past wildlife.

I wanted to seize this moment in my life, when I am in the best running shape I've ever been in, loving feeling fit and competing in races, having now proven to myself that I can run 10 miles on trails and love it.  I figured, "what's 3 more?"

I am looking forward to this adventurous new race experience.

I'm also nervous.  I've never run that far before! I've also been teeter tottering through feeling sick and healthy, healthy and sick, over these last three vital weeks of training.  Talk about a pain--literally.

As most of us are, I am no stranger to pain and illness.  Whether it be moderate or extreme, each time I feel a little helpless because my body isn't cooperating the way I want it to, 

my graditude for good health when it's around increases.

I am so thankful to have a healthy body that I can depend on most of the time to do what I need and want it to do.

I am blessed.

(On a side note, I am also very thankful for the flu shot that I received today!  Hopefully it'll put an end to the sickness see saw thing).

1 comment:

Carrie & the Boys said...

Good luck, Tiff. My goal is to run a half marathon someday. I have to get into shape to be running consistently though. You are my running motivation! Thanks, Tiff. Again, good luck. Can't wait to here how it goes!