Monday, January 10, 2011

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

There's something magical about Christmas.

It's a time when my idea of Heaven becomes reality: It's where I'm surrounded by family (whom I love so much, I feel my heart practically bursting out of my chest as I write this); watching my children laugh and play; with my wonderful husband with me, not having to think about work pressures looming overhead; where state borders don't divide us from our loved ones and I when I feel the Spirit of Christ is so near that you could almost cut it with a knife.

It is "the most wonderful time of the year."

It's crazy to think that this is how it began:


My good friend, MariLouise and her little Jonathan drove to Utah with me for Christmas--lucky for me (not so lucky for them, after I assured them that I-80 would be a wiser travel choice than I-70)! This is much what I-80 in Wyoming looked like for most of our 13 hour drive to Provo.

Perhaps this was just one of life's firey furnaces? Or, freezing cold blizzards?! Yikes.

Once safely in Utah, the warm fuzzies came back as Andrew and I enjoyed the company of our beloved friends and extended family, most of whom we don't see so frequently anymore.

Our boys had a blast bonding with their Nanny and Papa.

So did I. My parents are such amazing examples of positive thinking, good humor, patience, and love. I learned so much during this trip to Utah about how to approach parenting and life in general through observing their examples. Sometimes I feel like I should pinch myself at the thought that I'm their daughter. I am so blessed.

We also loved spending time with my best friends: my brothers (the group isn't complete without Kyle--we're missing him in this pic). I think they make me laugh harder than anyone in the world. After spending several days with them, I'm probably cured of all potential depression for a year! We have so much fun together.

Here's Devin, talking to "Le-der" Kyle on Christmas morning. He's serving a mission for our church in Sao Paulo, Brazil. We all had a chance to talk with him a little that day; he sounded great.

It was so neat to watch the magic of Christmas come alive through the eyes of our little ones (or in this case, through the eyes of their new blue Mr. Potato Head glasses). I could have re-lived our Christmas moments with them over-and-over. They are so pure. Again, I'm pinching myself.

Of course, the very reason why we celebrate Christmas is the same reason why I risked traveling through a blizzard in the first place. Family coming together, opening gifts with the little ones, seeing old friends--we do it all because of one special little baby. Christ is the reason that Christmas, for me anyway, truly is the most wonderful time of the year.

Having had such an uplifting stay in Utah last month recharged me and made me feel both eager and excited for a new start in 2011. This is a year that I hope to be one of my best yet. Cheers!


MariLouise said...

Yes, it WAS lucky for us that we got to be with you! Can you imagine the Corolla on those roads? I was so grateful that we were together...and in YOUR car! :)

Kyle and Amanda said...

We do that exact same thing with our mister potato head glasses that we got for Christmas. How funny is that? Glad you had such a wonderful holiday. We are living in Utah right now. Next time you come you should let me know and we could get together!

Michelle said...

Love this! We adore all of our sweet brothers and sisters and their families, and miss them when we have our "off" holidays! But we're so glad you could be with your family...what a blessing :) Here's to an awesome 2011!