It's been a little under a week since I've been here, but I feel fairly exhausted...more than just six days' worth.
Here are some glimpses of my recent past:
To celebrate our little Taylor's accomplishment in becoming a "big boy," we offered to either buy him a new special toy or take him on a family outing of his choice.
On Thursday, we made this 3 year-old's dream of a perfect evening come true:
We ate Ramen Noodles and chocolate milk for dinner.
We went to the "inside pool."
It was such a fun evening for all of us.
But Big Boy was especially impressed--who since, hasn't failed to say a meal time or bed time prayer without remembering to thank his Heavenly Father for his "getting to go to the inside pool."
What a sweet heart.
I'm only four days away from running my 10 mile trail race. To prepare, I've been running nearly everyday, almost everywhere (it seems).
My personal record breaking distance run on Friday took me nearly two hours, going 8.36 miles through neighborhoods and past parks--driving my little guys crazy with cabin fever and completely wearing them out. I felt so cruel running past so many parks and not stopping to let them play at any of them!
So as soon as we got home, we got right back into the car and drove to one of the coveted parks to play.
If any kids deserved park play that day, mine did.
Aunt Donna, her friend Cindy and I drove to Highlands Ranch on Saturday morning and tested a portion of the 10 mile trail we'll race on this weekend.
It. was. BRUTAL.
I was under the impression that "10 mile trail run" meant something like, "10 miles on a joint-supporting, flat, dirt surface." Oh, boy, was I ever wrong!
For those who wonder the truth:
When you read "10 mile trail run" on a race website, what it actually means is that you run several miles UP UP UP a steep-grade hiking trail, and then DOWN DOWN DOWN another steep-grade trail for several more miles.
Put simply, the downhill part is really nice. But the uphill, well...
Later that same Saturday, I began watching one of my favorite church traditions on TV:
(Click above to hear Pres. Monson's Sunday morning talk)
General Conference.
It happens twice a year--when our church leaders share spiritual messages in five 2-hour sessions over a Saturday/Sunday weekend.
It's tough to choose my favorite talk from this recent conference...perhaps Elder Uchdorf's "Forget Me Not" talk, Elder Bednar's talk on the Spirit of Elijah, Sister Dalton's talk about raising daughters...
But I can say this for certain:
More than anyone at conference time, I look forward to hearing from our sweet prophet, President Monson. He is such a good, kind, charitable, happy, positive, genuine person. He radiates love. Every time I hear him speak, I learn so much and wish even more that I could be just like him.
To me, there is no question that he is God's prophet.
I love that man.
My little boy was another one of my teachers this week.
He and I shared one of my favorite moments when together, we took some time to just be still...
He led the way as we walked together and absorbed the perfect evening sunshine.
Holding hands.
Making "discoveries."
Picking flowers and making wishes.
And I remembered why I, amidst all the chaos-- the meals, laundry, cleaning, diapers, stressful disciplining... more blessed than I know.
I love my family.