Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ode to Motherhood

I think it's no mystery what's been keeping me busy over the past three months and beyond: it's this sweet little guy, and his cute older counterpart, both whom I adore with all my heart.

I am so blessed to be the mother of two such perfect little boys. I know it. But I feel so guilty, because my "job" often leaves me feeling more depressed than happy! I don't know why...

Maybe it's because motherhood isn't all that glamorous. Take a peek into an average day in the life of Tiffany Norris and you will find a routine that goes something like this: Wake up early. Feed Russell. Change diaper. Wake up again. Feed Russell again. Change diaper again. Get myself dressed. Get Russell dressed. Change diaper again. Get Taylor dressed. Change Taylor's diaper. Feed both babies. Make beds. Change laundry. Do dishes. Clean up baby poop or breakfast spills or other daily surprise. Play cars with Taylor. Read books. Change diapers. Feed both babies again. Change diapers again....I think I've painted the picture. It's mundane to be sure, but I also know that if overnight I could become Oprah Winfrey or Carrie Underwood or someone else completely glamorous instead of being "Mommy," I wouldn't do it! So maybe it's not the glamor thing. Maybe I struggle to mother two little ones because of those "daily surprises" that I mentioned; the moments like these:

or these.

Wow, just remembering the high-energy moments makes me have to breathe in and out a little more! Talk about crazy! So that must be part of it.

To all you mothers out there who have managed before me, and especially to those of you who are mothers to several children and still haven't given any of them to the gypsies...I admire and respect you dearly! This is so much harder than I thought it would be! Keeping a clean house and keeping everyone clothed and clean and fed are super tough, let alone trying to manage making time for exercise, scripture study, BLOGGING, scrapbooking, home projects, or just ME time (is there such a thing?).

If it weren't for a merciful Father in Heaven, I think I'd be on the fast track to muumuu land from eating comfort sugar 24/7. He helps me to cope by blessing me with moments like these:

Seeing Taylor insist on wearing star sunglasses,
or watching him learn to set the table,

or walk "like a lion,"
or hearing Russell laugh.
Those sweet moments remind me where my children came from, and more importantly, that they really aren't my children; they're His. Blessed, blessed am I to be given the great stewardship of being their mother.

I just wish it could be a little easier some days. :)


Kimra Bham said...

Amen! Very well said! And, your children really are adorable-- I love that smile of Russell's :)

Matt and Jade said...

Someday I will have this opportunity, but for now good luck. I like the one of Taylor screaming at the temple. What was that about?

Ann said...

All too familiar, my friend. :) You are doing an amazing job. I love the honesty. :)

Justin, Kelli, Estin & Eli said...

You hit the nail on the head Tiff! Thank you for the reminder!!!

Carrie & the Boys said...

Amen to that. That is exactly how I have been feeling lately and I only have one! What will I do with 2? I live for those little moments. Especially hearing "no" come from my 20 month old. Oh how I love that boy. even when he's nauty. Thanks for the reminder

Maria Grover said...

Wow, I am SO glad to know I am not the only one with rooms that look like that one!! You're a great mom, Tiff. And just to let you in on a little secret, a little more Mom time comes when they get a little bigger and can play together. Just watch out for the double-trouble messes they'll make together. Lol!

The Pingel Family said...

You can do it! You are doing more than you think you are, Now that my three sleep through the night, I get up at 5 for "me time". I couldn't do it when I was getting up all night though! It's hard to be a mom but I know you are a great one!

Alison @ Oopsey Daisy said...

This is very sweet, Tiff! Being a mother is definitely NOT glamorous or easy, that's for sure!! We need to get caught up soon.... I love the blog look! You didn't need my help! :)

janine said...

Fun to see you today, Tiffany! Your family is adorable! I think that the greatest thing to remember is that we are just in a season of life. For me, already, my kids are a little older....the last one almost potty-trained....and we are able to do so many more things than we could when we had the tiny babies. Even something like them learning to buckle seat belts changes your life! So, hang in there. We always think everyone else is doing so much better but the truth is, we're all just hanging on by our fingernails:)

Michelle said...

You're doing a wonderful job, Tiffany! Definitely the hardest job I've ever had, butI wouldn't have it any other way.....sharpie murals and puke included!

Michelle said...

You're doing a wonderful job, Tiffany! Definitely the hardest job I've ever had, butI wouldn't have it any other way.....sharpie murals and puke included!

Megan said...

You couldn't have put it better! I had no idea it would be so hard but I wouldn't change it for the world!