Friday, June 20, 2008

One Rough Day

We gave the little man some nasty Vitmain D drops and he did not like them at all. He won't swallow them. He just spits them up. We tried some and they are nasty.

He slept like this for about six hours afterwards in Tiffany's lap.


Aubrey Scott said...

can you believe that I have already forgoten how little they are. He is so cute. I know what you are talking about with the vit. D drops. they are nasty.

Don said...

He is such a cutie! We miss y'all so much. Hope everything is good there.

Alicia said...

He is soo cute! Love the picture of him in his prince outfit. Adorable. =) Hope you guys are doing well!

Michelle said...

He is so, so cute!! I am not familiar with the vitamin D drops---guess they're not as fun as the Flinstones that my kids would be content to eat like candy.