Friday, January 12, 2007


On December 20, at long last, Tiffany Graduated from BYU-Idaho! On that day, we were excited to celebrate not only a great completion, but a new beginning, too! Tiffany graduated with a job to teach second grade just ten minutes north-east of Rexburg, in Sugar City. A lot of our family traveled to Rexburg to join our celebrations: Tiffany's parents, her youngest two brothers, Kyle and Devin, Grandpa and Grandma Macfarlane, and Tiff's cousins, Levi and Brittany. We were so grateful to have so many of our loved ones together on such a happy day. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Tiffany!!!!!!!!
I am so happy for you. You stuck with it, kept that determination. Wish I could've been there graduating with you. You will have fun with your new job too! I know you'll be great! Those kids will love's true!!!

Cat said...

Way to go, Tiffany!!!! I'm so excited for you! Happy Graduation!

J Rock said...

ahhh, so exciting! i wish i could have been there! big congrats