Sunday, July 31, 2011

Dear Friends

It's hard to believe it's been a month since we've had to say heart breaking goodbyes to our dear friends. Since we moved to Denver over two years ago, MariLouise has enriched my life so much--bringing meaningful girl time, adventures with children, and lots of hardy laughter to my life--all of which I needed so much.

And as sad as I am to see the Harrows move to Dallas, my heart aches even more for Taylor, who bonded with little Jonathan more than he has to anyone outside our family.


Those two sweet little boys have been playing together since they were babies.

They too have had their share of adventures: being pulled in a bike trailor all over town for park play and shopping, "exploring" our apartment while I became incapacitated with morning sickness, playing with trains over-and-over-and-over, and enduring 12-hour car rides in the snow (more about that HERE), to name a few.

They love each other.


My poor little boy has mentioned that "he's sad Jonathan left" or that "Jonathan moved to his new house in Texas" a handful of times since the Harrows moved at the end of June. He misses his friend, and so do I.

Thank Heaven ML and I both grew up in Utah (we both visit family there often) and that we both have phones and email accounts. I don't know what we'd do without their friendship!


Sarah Burgoyne said...

It's so hard to say goodbye to friends :( Why do people have to move?!

MariLouise said...

Aggh! I can't stand it!! (It's the moving that I can't stand. I enjoy the nice tribute.) ;) Miss you too!!